Majik Wash Inc provides quality pressure washing services in Regina. Truck and trailers, automobiles, yard cleanup, fleet cleaning, and more. If you need it pressure washed we can do it!

Majik Wash Inc provides quality pressure washing services in Regina. Truck and trailers, automobiles, yard cleanup, fleet cleaning, and more. If you need it pressure washed we can do it!
02About Us
Having proudly served the trucking industry for over 20 years, providing quality truck and trailer wash services and building a solid reputation, we continue to strive for excellence with added services for your convenience.
03Contact Us
We have relocated back
to our original location at
525 E 6th Avenue
Regina SK
To accomodate all your
washing, polishing and detailing needs
Majik Wash
525 E 6th Avenue
Regina, SK, Canada
Monday to Friday 8AM to 6PM
(Please call ahead if coming after 4PM)
Saturdays 8AM to 4PM
Sundays and Holidays CLOSED